Electrical Safety for Your Workplace and Home

Though we all use electricity in our homes, we sometimes underrate the level of hazards it can cause.

Electricity can pose serious threats, ranging from electric shocks to fire outbreaks. Even a household current of 120V can cause electrocution. However, you can prevent them by following electrical safety rules.

The National Electrical Code recommends these rules to save electricians from arc burns in their workplace.

And since electricians are at greater risk of electrical burn, they should always wear their personal protective equipment (PPE) before work.

Safety Rules for Electricians

  • Never touch an electrical system or appliances with wet hands. Water is an excellent conductor of electricity and can ease electrocution.
  • Do not use equipment with damaged insulation or cords for repair.
  • Do not use metallic rules, pencil or wear metallic rings when working in an electrical field.
  • Use only tools with insulation handles when working in the electrical field.
  • On no account should you wear a loose cloth or tie near electrical equipment.
  • Be familiar with the wire code of your country
  • When it is a must to handle an equipment plugged into a circuit, make sure your hands are dry. Also, wear a rubber glove and an insulated shoe.
  • Avoid coming into contact with live electrical wires and equipment.
About mariaelectricals

Hi, I am Emmanuel Nwankwo, a commercial electrician and the founder of mariaelectricals.com. I established this blog to share my decades of work experience in electrical installations and repairs.